Happy New Year peeps!
This year AVE is migrating....we're taking the journey to a new place, it's different and it's going to be amazing! Its not that we are looking for greener grass, it's just that AVE has grown so much in the last year and it needs to be recognized. RESPECT the little bird! It has been hard with two kids, the daily running of our home and a million other things to do but it's been worth it.
With the help of another sweet little bird (Petite Marguerite Design) we are getting closer to where AVE needs to be and that's a good feeling. Part of that is getting the website up and running!
In the mean time, I am committing to share with you my visual diary....everyday I will post a picture of something I've drawn to document a moment that's touched my heART in some way this will be an interesting exercise to in so many levels.
Today, I share with you a picture I drew last night whilst reflecting the extra huggy day my little chicas had....we love cuddles around here!
'dos hermanas' meaning 'two sisters' in love.
