As a kid in El Salvador, I discovered a brilliant book that shaped the way I illustrated & now becoming a mother has given me the best subject matter to draw, hence my uncontrollable gravitation towards illustrating girls & birds (which I will be proudly sharing with you in a kids' range to be released in September).
Allegra is now 22 cheeky months & everyday she gives me a reason to illustrate a million books to document her sweet way of showing affection,
her ability to make us laugh uncontrollably,
her funny language & mannerisms,
her gentle love for animals & anything small,
her natural interest in colours & her beat to music.
Ave Handmade Kids' printed t-shirts, singlets, colouring books, wall art & jersey blankets will be available September - stay tunned!
x Ave Maria
PS. I have a feeling that the book is at my mum's house I will find it....!
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