As a born again artist I am rediscovering, reconnecting and rejoicing in my journey...I am lucky that I have some amazingly inspiring people around me to remind and encourage me to express my creativity, here are just a few:
My brother Carlos http://www.studioequator.com.au/, a talented and successful Melbourne Graphic Designer with love for anything Mazinger. His drive and focus is blinding and his love for his little family is beautiful. His mind is constantly ticking with ideas, but he has an angel sitting on his shoulder balancing out his sometimes outrageous creations. His work is 'designer heaven', everything precisely thought of and accounted for.
My soulfriend Maurice (work can be found at http://www.cyberiastore.com.au/ and http://designaspace.com.au/), a modest artist with music as a heart beat, who learnt how to spray paint even before he got his pen licence and with a constant appetite for everything pasta. Just like his laugh, you can pick his art work from a crowd of millions, it's colourful, spontaneous and heartfelt.
My motherhood sister Tiffany http://tiffanypollard.net/index.html, a beautiful jeweller who's smile warms my heart, her care for her son is breathtaking and her strength is Joan of Arcish. In her sun filled Nicholas building studio she creates her pieces, which are simply defined as eclectic. With her signature oxidised technique, her spontaneous mix of materials, a pick of colourful gems and soft pearls her work gains a heart beat and my heart skips a beat.
In the true words of Danielle Laporte (author of http://www.thewhitehottruth.com) 'my heart swells with gratitude.'
x Ave Maria
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